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Celebrating Easter - Republican Style
After the Daily Ireland's attempts to pre-emptively justify republican rioting in Dublin over a poster that may or may not have been carried at the rally, you'd be forgiven for thinking that republicans were against the glorification of terrorists (convicted or otherwise). Apparently not in Fermanagh (hat-tip to the Northern Irish Magyar [link now dead]).
Compare and contrast. The republican riots in Dublin (in protest at the protest by unionist victims groups) were justified by the likes of the Daily Ireland and republican Sinn Fein on the grounds that the organisers of the victims rally could not guarantee that a poster of a man suspected of involvement with the Monaghan bombings would not be present.
Now, as part of their Easter 'commemorations' in Fermanagh, Sinn Fein have organised a parade commemorating Seamus McElwaine, implicated in 12 murders. Fortunately the SAS took him out before he could commit any more.
Follow up:
"to those of us who lived in the south-east Fermanagh area at that time he was an evil murderer who robbed families of loved ones and in my own personal case forced families to leave the area in order to protect their own safety. He was very much part of the ethnic cleansing campaign ... along the Border during the 1970s and 1980s."
Arlene Foster, MLA
The Parades Commission rejected a request from victims group, the South East Fermanagh Foundation, and Unionist MLAs Tom Elliott and Arlene Foster to have restrictions imposed on the parade. So it seems that Orange marches celebrating the Battle of the Boyne 300 years ago are offensive but republican marches celebrating a murderer who terrorised a small rural community more recently are totally acceptable. The world's gone mad!!