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Heavy Handed My Arse
Yes folks, another prominent republican has been involved in an altercation with the police - and of course you know what that means. Yes, another whinge about police "heavy handedness". Now that they've accepted claims of 'brutality' were taking the piss, this new Sinn Fein buzzphrase is cropping up more and more (on both sides of the divide!).
This time upstanding holy man Fra McCann intervened as the police were arresting a teenager on the Falls Road for attempted robbery. Fra McCann, according to his own version of events, "put himself between one police officer and [the suspect]".
For some reason Fra McCann was surprised to find that his actions, that could only realistically be perceived as impeding the arrest of an attempted robber, resulted in himself being arrested. Shocking isn't it?
Of course McCann, being a Sinn Fein councillor, raises the usual claims of police 'heavy handedness'. A desperate attempt to throw mud at a police force that seems to be becoming (slowly but surely) more accepted by the nationalist population of Northern Ireland, in the hope that some will stick. After all, the last thing you want when your party wants to keep a tight grip on its communities (including through Community Restorative Justice schemes) is a force that actually upholds law and order.