Archives for: August 2006
Commemorations "Another weapon"

An MLA has claimed that "hunger strike commemorations are only being used as another weapon in what republicans would describe as 'the struggle'". Commenting on the use of a parish centre near Dunloy, Co. Antrim, for a hunger strikers commemoration DUP a… more »
More Web Censorship
Despite being proclaimed as a truly democratic and open medium, this week sees another instance of web censorship hit much closer to home. Yesterday the New York Times had a leading article entitled Details Emerge In British Terror Case which was unavail… more »
Commenting Restored
It was brought to my attention today that non-members have recently been unable to comment here at EU due to a problem displaying the anti-spam authorisation code. At the moment I'm blaming my webhost, however in the mean time I've removed the need to en… more »
Hunger Striker Profile 10: Michael Devine
Conviction: Theft and possession of firearms
Sentence: 12 years
Joined Hunger Strike: 22nd June
Suicided: 20th August
Michael (or Micky) Devine was born in Springtown, a former US army camp In Londonderry, in 1954 where the family lived until they… more »
Southern Double Standards: Part III
Thanks to Belfast Gonzo for pointing out the bigoted decision of the IRFU not to play the national anthem or fly the Union Flag when they face Italy in Belfast next year. Instead, Ireland will be represented by the IRFU flag and the 'neutral' song Irelan… more »
Posting Break
beano's off on a summer holiday. No more posting for a week or two ;)
I'm off visiting sunny (?) Donegal. Be good while I'm gone. more »
Violent Separatism Spreads to Scotland
Jamie Hoggan, a (rather geeky looking) 16 year old, who has declared himself to be a member of the "Scottish Freedom Force" (inspired by Mel Gibson's famous line in the completely historically accurate Braveheart, per chance?) has been convicted of carry… more »
Traffic Chaos... In The Sky

Flights into and out of Belfast and Londonderry have been among those hit by delays and cancellations today due to a major security alert at Heathrow. In particular, flights to and from the London airports have been affected, and passengers are being mad… more »
Hunger Striker Profile 9: Thomas McElwee
Conviction: manslaughter, possession of explosives
Sentence: 20 years (reduced from life)
Joined Hunger Strike: 7th(?) June
Suicided: 8th August
Thomas McElwee was born the 5th of 12 siblings to a family in Bellaghy. The previous year McElwee's fat… more »
Hunger Striker Profile 8: Kieran Doherty
Conviction: Possession of firearms and explosives, hijacking a car
Sentence: 18 years
Joined Hunger Strike: 22nd May
Suicided: 2nd August
Born in Andersonstown in west Belfast in 1955, Kieran/Ciaran Doherty was the third of 6 children in his family… more »
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