Archives for: July 2007
Ulster Enjoys Twelfth Celebrations (Despite Objections)
Despite the fact that yesterday's 12th July celebrations (BBC pictures), the first in years which didn't see the army assist the police) passed off peacefully and there seemed to be a much more welcoming atmosphere at the parades, it seems some just can'… more »
Towards a Happier Twelfth of July
After a report on the state of Windsor Park (which I'll discuss at a later date), tonight's BBC Newsline (watch from about 11:10 in) focused on the twelfth celebrations and attempts being made to broaden their appeal. It seems there are a number of group… more »
Hyperbole and Hypocrisy
Really, I ask you!
The Washington Post reported ... on Saturday ... the remarks of John Shanahan, a local AOH leader, indicating the invitation to the Orange Order is like "...inviting the KKK to a Martin Luther King Celebration."
They claim… more »
What's In A Name?
I was looking through the part-time prospectus for the new Belfast Metropolitan College when I noticed that GNVQs have been renamed again.
When I was doing my A-levels in 1999 Advanced GNVQs were being renamed to VCE (Vocational Certificate of Educat… more »