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Spending Other People's Money
by beano on 08 Jul 2008 at 12:48. Categories: Northern Ireland, Business & Economy, Direct Rule, Local Government, Devolved Government
It's something politicians, particularly in Northern Ireland, seem to be especially adept at. OK its their job, but some outlays seem to be more worthwhile than others.
A few figures appeared yesterday:
- Policing George Bush's one-day visit: £300k
- 1 prosecution out of 1,100 cold-cases re-opened: £34m
- Bloody Sunday enquiry: £188m (to date)
- Enquiries in the next year: £100m (estimate)
- Subsidy to Citi to create 145 jobs: £2m (£13,793 per job)
- Cuts to ambulance services to save £1.5m: priceless!
Ah well, at least Larne's council aren't paying for red, white an blue bunting.