Archives for: August 2008
Middle Class Catholics in Northern Ireland

This was initially published a couple of months ago now, so apologies to those who have read it elsewhere, but I think it's definitely worth highlighting Jim Cusack writing in the Irish Independent about how prosperous Northern Ireland, and specifically Northern Irish Poor Oppressed Filthy Rich Catholics, have become in recent years.I've picked out the highlights below, but I'd really encourage anyone with 5-10 minutes free to read the whole article. more »
Crusaders / Newington Ground Share
As Chekov alluded to in a comment earlier, Crusaders FC and junior side Newington FC are planning to work together on a new stadium. Despite a meeting this morning to launch the proposals, which will include a 4,000 capacity (that's more than Deez! 88|)… more »
Whiter than white Celtic fans

Balrog doesn't get any better
Celtic fans are not, never were and never will be sectarian.
Nuff said really. more »
Slim Pickings for Real Continuity MOPE
This video was posted by fascist socialist republican serial-splitters eirigi under the title "RUC-PSNI Brutality".:crazy: To be fair to eirigi, they've a difficult job: it must be tough trying to act all oppressed when this qualifies as "brutality".… more »
Downing Street
Wasting taxes with a smile. more »
Anything You Can Do...
Irish FA Chief Exec Howard Wells has filed a grievance concerning his treatment by two colleagues in the IFA, alleging that he has been unfairly treated because he is English. more »
Balrog on the deaths of children

Balrog is critical of those who praise Sergeant Lee Clegg for his role in Afghanistan.
I was disgusted to learn that the British military establishment are now exalting murdering bastard Para Lee Clegg in Afghanistan, as some type of noble war hero. P… more »
Ulster Tops A-Level Results League

As A-level results are released again, Northern Ireland has a considerably higher ratio of A-grades ratio than the UK average: 35.4% compared to a national figure of 25.9%. Hands up who thinks it'll make Ruane think twice about killing off grammar schools? more »
EU Quote of the Day 15/08/08
Reacting to stories that David Beckham will be the star of London 2012's part of the Beijing Olympics' closing ceremony on 24th August, where the hosts of the next games get the opportunity to offer a preview of coming attractions.
After China's amaz… more »
How To Win Friends and Influence People
Sorry if you already heard this old piece of news but I just spotted it today at the bottom (of page 2) of a NewsLetter article about the Jeffrey Peel's now infamous (and disappeared) entry on the Northern Ireland Conservatives blog where he lambasted th… more »
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