Categories: Special Interest, Hunger Strikes, Myths and Lies
Whiter than white Celtic fans

Balrog doesn't get any better
Celtic fans are not, never were and never will be sectarian.
Nuff said really. more »
Balrog on the deaths of children

Balrog is critical of those who praise Sergeant Lee Clegg for his role in Afghanistan.
I was disgusted to learn that the British military establishment are now exalting murdering bastard Para Lee Clegg in Afghanistan, as some type of noble war hero. P… more »
Something for nothing? Methinks not

I'm currently immersed in my postgraduate dissertation, which is on the Data Protection Act (and CoK can be assured that I'll be making the appointment this time!). Thinking about why the legislation is there, makes me highly suspicious that this is sim… more »
Another mythbuster

After a period away from regular blogging of the style I don't like putting on Slugger, I'm glad to now be contributing to Everything Ulster. I'm looking forward to getting back into the habit of regular blogging.
When I met up with Beano, we were ch… more »
EU Mythbuster: No. 5 - We're All Subjects
A possibly rather innocuous comment was made a few days ago at Unionist Lite but I've seen this incorrect claim used on Slugger O'Toole to bait unionist commenters on a number of occasions: something along the lines of "Sure you're all subjects up there,… more »
EU Mythbuster: No. 4 - Catholics Denied Votes
The media were quick to point out this morning that Gerry Adams has "apologised" to the family of a 12-year old boy his comrades blew to pieces 14 years ago. In reality it was more a series of excuses than an apology and the fact that the media report i… more »
Nothing To Celebrate in Easter Rising
Popular romantic depictions of the Easter Rising may owe more to retrospective justification than historical accuracy.
The timing seemed a bit late but last Friday saw an opinion piece by Kevin Myers in the Belfast Telegraph on the topic of Easter Ris… more »
Soldiers Leaving Crossmaglen - Holding Heads High

It was funny to watch republicans reach near orgasm over the withdrawal of the army from Crossmaglen following a job well done. Yesterday the last soldiers left the village Possibly the most amusing thing was the placard carried by some of the terrorist… more »
Irish America - It Must Seem So Romantic...
Getting it so unbelievably wrong for decades... and still going strong
According to a report in the Belfast Telegraph the Oirish-Americans of Boston who provided the guns and ammunition used in the slaughter of innocent Ulsterfolk seem to remain an ig… more »
Hunger Strikers Memorial Breaks Equality Rules
The equality commission says Omagh District Council has breached its own equality regulations when it erected a monument to the hunger strikers, consisting of a graveyard, a tree for each hunger striker and an Irish tricolour, in the grounds of the Old D… more »
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