Category: Myths and Lies
Why Middle-Class is Good
I feel I should layout my stall from the outset here. I'd just like to say a a big f**k you to all those people who utter the words "middle class" with the same contempt most of us reserve for violent criminals and sectarian or racist bigots. Now that's… more »
Military Withdrawal - Exposing The Lie
One of Sinn Fein, republicanism and Irish American's big lies is that Northern Ireland is in some kind of state of military occupation; a colonial outpost where locals are kept down through force. I'm not making this up - living in Northern Ireland it's… more »
EU Mythbuster: No. 2 - Northern Irish Journalism
Finding a good journalist in Northern Ireland seems to be incredibly difficult, as illustrated by Jim Gracey's article in today's Sunday Life. It's been obvious for some time now that Gracey is pushing the Maze agenda, but today he gave a free platform t… more »
EU Mythbuster: No. 1 - Windsor Park
Last week the GAA Tyrone County Board Chairman Pat Darcy, while playing down the significance of his organisation's practice of naming clubs and trophies after terrorist murderers, let slip a simple prejudice all to common among the GAA fraternity and of… more »
Republican Terrorists in Dishonesty Shocker
The IRA admitted to killing someone today. They killed a 14 year old schoolgirl, blamed the army and then proceeded to retaliate against their own heinous crime by killing a soldier. They apologised today, 30 years later - so I guess that's all OK then.… more »
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