Category: Local Wackos
Boots Capitulate to Bigoted Barsteward

Stop everything! Sean Reynolds has decreed that Dunhill's marketing material is "sectarian".
Boots in Royal Avenue, Belfast, withdrew from an aftershave marketing campaign because the t-shirts their staff were wearing featured a Dunhill Union Jack aft… more »
Whiter than white Celtic fans

Balrog doesn't get any better
Celtic fans are not, never were and never will be sectarian.
Nuff said really. more »
Balrog on the deaths of children

Balrog is critical of those who praise Sergeant Lee Clegg for his role in Afghanistan.
I was disgusted to learn that the British military establishment are now exalting murdering bastard Para Lee Clegg in Afghanistan, as some type of noble war hero. P… more »
Accurate Stereotypes
When I saw this poll on the NewsLetter web site I thought for a second that maybe the results could provide solid figures to dispel the myth that Unionists/Prods are all bible-thumping flat young-earther types.
Now obviously the results would be skew… more »
Iris Robinson's Vile Priorities
The Conservatives have a quote from a speech by Iris Robinson, upholder of God's law, made in the House of Commons on the topic of sex offenders.
There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children.… more »
I could pick a better education policy out of my ...

Another one for the "What the hell is she thinking?" scrapbook. Everyone's favourite tennis star Caitriona Ruane has finally put forward her proposals for ending academic selection... by not quite ending it? Well not quite, not yet. Maybe.
It seems as… more »
Manipulation of "Rights" Lets Criminals Off The Hook

It really is time to put a stop to the nonsense going on at the Bill of Rights Forum. This bunch of professional do-gooders, whose job seems to be to advise those who will advise the government on a Bill of Rights, seem to want to allow anyone under the… more »
Dangers of Demonisation

Is it any wonder unionists feel like their culture and identity is constantly under attack? It's all very well for people in Northern Ireland who are familiar with the bullshit emanating from the likes of the Andytown News group and the various interest… more »
Defining Pettyness

Limavady Borough Council: redefining "offensive"
Nationalist councillors (who hold a majority) on Limavady Borough Council have ordered the removal of several items from council premises in order to create a "neutral working environment".
Unfortu… more »
Fundamental Failure to Understand Unionists

Actually, Brian Feeney's fundamental failure might be understanding anything, but I was feeling charitable when I wrote that title. The Irish News is generally the best of a bad bunch when it comes to local news papers, which makes the fact that they giv… more »
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