Category: Dissident Republicans
Terrorism, not warfare

The Assembly has rejected any suggestion that the IRA's sectarian murder campaign was a war. A good thing, and fairly unsurprising.
I've always liked Danny Kennedy, but his performance since devolution has impressed me, and he is clearly im proving… more »
Commemorations "Another weapon"

An MLA has claimed that "hunger strike commemorations are only being used as another weapon in what republicans would describe as 'the struggle'". Commenting on the use of a parish centre near Dunloy, Co. Antrim, for a hunger strikers commemoration DUP a… more »
Outbreaks of Law and Order Sweep Ulster

Over the last couple of days we've seen the seizure of cocaine at Aldergrove with estimated value between £1-3 million, 8 men arrested (although 4 already released without charge) suspected of being involved with active republican groups, promises… more »
Dissidents Determined To Foil Peace

A major PSNI security operation in County Armagh has recovered components of a 250lb bomb
It seems police officers have successfuly prevented an imminent republican bomb attack today, recovering components for a 250lb car bomb (I believe that's 115Kg… more »
Omagh Bomber Linked To Further Attacks

The man in court facing charges in relation to the Omagh bombing of 1998 where 31 people were killed has failed to have scientific evidence against him thrown out. Sean Gerard Hoey, from South Armagh (aren't they all?), had his defence lawyers object to… more »
More "Anything You Can Do..." Action
It seems not a week passes lately where the scumbag republicans aren't trying to outdo the scumbag loyalists or vice versa. Last night a republican gang hijacked a taxi at around 10pm in the Kilwilkee estate and left a package on the back seat, before or… more »