Categories: Sinn Fein, IRA
Ruane Under Fire Again
It comes as no surprise to this blogger that our illustrious education minister, one Caitriona Ruane, has once again come under fire this week. Grammar schools have struck another blow against her policy of abolishing academic selection and this morning… more »
Where we were in 1998

I was recently required to do an analysis of an academic research paper. A colleague I was working with chose this one, which I hadn't read before. There are some fascinating things in the responses.
Page 6 of the PDF shows the huge swing in support… more »
Shock: Local Politicians "Tribal"
You'd scarcely credit it but Sinn Fein's Alex Maskey is fuming with Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde and is demanding an apology after the chief of police allegedly claimed the policing board had "gone a bit tribal".
Supposedly Orde accused the elected m… more »
Bomber Celebration Banned as SF Agenda Becomes Clear
The Assembly Commission, which runs the estate at Stormont, has drawn up new rules that mean events held in the Long Gallery now require "cross-community backing of three MLAs" (I'm guessing this means three from each community?).
This effectively m… more »
US Envoy Denounces Provo Concessions

The traditional view of Americans participation in the "Peace Process" here is generally seen as "cynical playing to the green Irish vote" by taking the side of nationalists and/or republicans. This was particularly true under the Clinton years.
With… more »
On Neutral Working Environments

Given Sinn Fein's serious, and not at all opportunistic, commitment to creating "neutral working environments" I'm shocked, nay stunned, to find them taking advantage of International Women's Day to celebrate a convicted bomber, Mairead Farrell. Surely t… more »
Terrorism, not warfare

The Assembly has rejected any suggestion that the IRA's sectarian murder campaign was a war. A good thing, and fairly unsurprising.
I've always liked Danny Kennedy, but his performance since devolution has impressed me, and he is clearly im proving… more »
No More Death, No More FARC
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez recently called for governments to recognise Colombian terrorists (and friends of the IRA) FARC to be recognised as "an army". Sound familiar?
Today Colombians will take to the streets to march in protest against FARC… more »
Calling Ruane's Bluff

It's a busy day on the Caitriona Ruane front today. I'd just like to issue a quick thank you to Jim Allister for confirming that I was right when I said that Ms Ruane was talking out her arse when she said she wanted to change the law to prevent Northern… more »
Ruane Has No Answers on Post-Primary Education Reform

Minister for Education Caitriona Ruane has refused to answer a list of questions submitted to her by the Assembly's education committee. These questions were agreed by the committee and included how much her plans would cost, what provision would be made… more »