Categories: Europe, Irish Republic
Attacked For Being a Brit?
O'Connell Street, Dublin's main (and "most dangerous") street, was the scene for a vicious attack on St Patrick's night. A 17-year old English lad was confronted by a group of youths at 8pm who asked him where he was from and then attacked him when they… more »
Irish Eyes Not Smiling at Apple

Some time ago I gave a few examples of practical, everyday benefits of being a part of the United Kingdom as distinct from the Republic of Ireland. I've stumbled across further examples on a semi-regular basis since then, but I couldn't believe that the… more »
On Neutral Working Environments

Given Sinn Fein's serious, and not at all opportunistic, commitment to creating "neutral working environments" I'm shocked, nay stunned, to find them taking advantage of International Women's Day to celebrate a convicted bomber, Mairead Farrell. Surely t… more »
Reclamation of Donegal Begins
Donegal: northernmost of the Three Counties (red)
OK, maybe not, but following recent speculation about the transfer of Cavan to Northern Ireland, those who hear the word Ulster and think of the historic province, whose boundaries were set on the auth… more »
Terrorism, not warfare

The Assembly has rejected any suggestion that the IRA's sectarian murder campaign was a war. A good thing, and fairly unsurprising.
I've always liked Danny Kennedy, but his performance since devolution has impressed me, and he is clearly im proving… more »
Delivering for Ulster
Cavan: southernmost of the Three Counties (red)
Our illustrious First Minister has come in for some heavy criticism over his cosy relationship with the leader of the Republic Bertie Ahern, but the preacher has proven his doubters wrong again. The DUP… more »
Yesterday's Men and How Times Change

A heart-warming act of friendship in Ballymena today as Northern Ireland's First Minister Ian Paisley and the prime minister of the Republic Bertie Ahern got all cozy and loved-up during a visit by the latter to the former's constituency.
Paisley desc… more »
Calling Ruane's Bluff

It's a busy day on the Caitriona Ruane front today. I'd just like to issue a quick thank you to Jim Allister for confirming that I was right when I said that Ms Ruane was talking out her arse when she said she wanted to change the law to prevent Northern… more »
Lawrie Heading South?
According to the BBC, former Northern Ireland boss Lawrie "is our leader" Sanchez is being interviewed for the Republic job. The question is, following a poor run at Fulham, did he just get lucky with Northern Ireland or is he simply more suited to inter… more »
EU's Secret Environmental Shame
That's the other EU, of course ;). Mark Mardell comments that the British public view the moving of the EU Parliament to Strasbourg for one week every month as a "money-wasting junket hugely enjoyed by journalists, MEPs and researchers." To be honest, I… more »