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Last Updated: Tuesday, 17 August, 2004, 15:39 GMT 16:39 UK
'Scrap university targets' call
lecture hall
Ministers want half of all young people to go to university
Business leaders say the government should scrap its target for 50% of all young people to go to university.

The British Chambers of Commerce says the target is damaging students and leaving British businesses with "an acute skills shortage".

By 2010, ministers want half of all under-30s enter higher education.

The government has defended its target, saying "a major part" of the expansion is expected to be among people taking work-related foundation degrees.

The president of the British Chambers of Commerce, Bill Midgley, said: "The drive to get more and more students into university is having a damaging impact on both business and students."

"The government must immediately scrap the 50% university target."

Although his organisation wished the thousands of students waiting for their A-level results "the best of luck", they should think about going straight into business or taking vocational courses rather than going to university.

"Business is suffering from an acute skills shortage, which is a barrier to raising productivity and competitiveness," he said.

"To successfully compete in the global economy business urgently needs more young people to pursue vocational routes, to take apprenticeships and undertake work based learning."

'Old argument'

Officials at the Department for Education and Skills said part of the expansion in higher education would involve shorter, work-related degrees.

"This is a reheat of the old argument that more means worse and that only a finite number of people have the ability to go on to higher education," a spokeswoman said.

"We have already said that expansion doesn't mean 'more of the same'."

"We are determined to work with employers across the country to build up a healthy vocational ladder of opportunity."

At the moment, 43% of young people are going into higher education.

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