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Last Updated: Monday, 24 October 2005, 00:32 GMT 01:32 UK
NI victims' commissioner is named
The commissioner will help victims of the Troubles
The widow of a murdered RUC reservist has been appointed Northern Ireland's new victims' commissioner.

Bertha McDougall's husband Lindsay was killed by the INLA in Belfast city centre in January 1981.

The former primary school teacher will be responsible for setting up a new forum for victims of the Troubles.

Mrs McDougall, who does not represent any political party, has campaigned for police widows and set up the victims' lobby group Forgotten Families.

Her role will also involve assessing services for victims' families and survivors and identifying gaps in service provision.

Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain said Mrs McDougall's experience in working with victims' families would be a great help.

"The government believes that the needs of those who have suffered so much over the years must get greater recognition," he said.

"They must not become the forgotten people."

The appointment has been approved by the DUP, who see it as one of a number of confidence building measures for unionists.

Victims' commissioner post set up
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Support for victims' commissioner
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