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Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 November 2005, 13:04 GMT
Second man held over two murders
David McIlwaine (left) and Andrew Robb
David McIlwaine and Andrew Robb were killed in February 2000
A 25-year-old man has been arrested by police investigating the murders of two teenagers in County Armagh more than five years ago.

Andrew Robb, 19, and 18-year-old David McIlwaine, both from Portadown, were stabbed to death on 18 February 2000.

The man was arrested in Hillsborough, County Down on Tuesday morning.

Another man aged 25 is still being questioned about the killings after being arrested in Coalisland on Monday. A third man was released on Sunday.

A report on the 54-year-old's arrest was sent to the Public Prosecution Service.

The bodies of Mr Robb and Mr McIlwaine were found on the Druminure Road outside Tandragee, a few hours after they had left a disco.

No-one has been convicted of the murders which were carried out during a loyalist paramilitary feud in the Portadown area.

However, police and both families said neither of the young men had any connection with a paramilitary organisation.

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