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Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 November 2005, 20:57 GMT
Third man charged over £26m raid
Millions were taken from the vaults of the Northern Bank last December
Millions were taken from the vaults of the Northern Bank last December
A man being questioned by police investigating last December's £26.5m Northern Bank robbery has been charged with two terrorism offences.

A police spokesman said the 30-year-old would appear in court in Belfast on Wednesday.

He has been charged with collecting information likely to be of use to terrorists and having documents likely to be of use to terrorists

Three men are still being questioned about the robbery.

In the last week police investigating the raid have arrested eight people, two of whom have been released without charge and two others have already appeared in court.

The robbery happened at the bank's Northern Ireland headquarters at Donegall Square West just before Christmas last year.

Some money seized in County Cork last February was linked to the robbery, but virtually all of the missing millions remain unrecovered.


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