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Last Updated: Sunday, 13 November 2005, 12:14 GMT
Firefighters attacked by youths
Fire crews have come under attack while attending an overnight incident in Londonderry.

A crowd of youths threw stones at the firefighters who had been called out to a car on fire at Cornshell Fields in Shantallow.

District commander Willie Lynch said it appeared to be a planned attack.

"We came under attack in the early hours of the morning after we attended a car on fire just off the Racecourse Road," he said.

"But what is annoying about these attacks is that they are premeditated.

"The youths were waiting for us and they had a lot of missiles ready for us and they unleashed their full attack on us as soon as we arrived.

"Gladly, there is no damage this time - but that is only because we are always vigilant and looking out the side of our eyes for these attacks."

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