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Last Updated: Monday, 5 December 2005, 22:39 GMT
Police still holding raid suspect
Police have been given more time to question Chris Ward
Police have been given more time to question Chris Ward
Detectives investigating the £26.5m Northern Bank robbery in Belfast have been granted a further 48 hours to question a man.

Chris Ward, 24, was arrested by police on 29 November.

This is the third extension detectives have been given to question Mr Ward, an employee of the bank which was robbed in December last year.

After the robbery, Mr Ward described on television how he was held captive in the run-up to it.

Last week police carried out searches of grounds belonging to the Gaelic Athletic Association in west Belfast in connection with the robbery.

The GAA expressed shock at the investigation at Casement Park, where Mr Ward worked part-time.

A police spokesman said the search was part of an investigation into serious crime.

Of the 11 people questioned to date in connection with the raid, three have appeared in court.

Some money seized in County Cork last February was linked to the robbery, but virtually all of the missing millions remain unrecovered.

Police on both sides of the Irish border subsequently blamed the IRA for the raid.

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