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Last Updated: Tuesday, 6 December 2005, 15:56 GMT
£11m facility to clean NI trains
The train cleaning facility can be seen from the M2
The train cleaning facility can be seen from the M2
A multi-million pound facility to clean Northern Ireland's new trains has been officially opened in north Belfast.

The £11.4m Train Care Centre has been in operation since October and can handle up to 10 trains at a time.

Located just off the M2, the drive-through facility enables trains to be cleaned inside and outside and also includes refuelling areas.

Stephen Quinn from the Department for Regional Development said government wanted to promote public transport.

"The centre is a very impressive complex and is a striking example of the changes taking place," he said.

"It is an important development in promoting the use of public transport by helping to ensure the railways provide attractive high quality services and constitute a viable alternative to travelling by car."

Translink, which operates Northern Ireland Railways, ordered 23 new C3K trains from Spanish manufacturer CAF, at a cost of £80m in 2002.

They are replacing rolling stock which is about 30 years old.

The new trains started going into service in November last year.

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