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Last Updated: Sunday, 26 February 2006, 18:33 GMT
Calm appeal follows town rioting
The Mayor of Craigavon has appealed for calm after a riot in Portadown.

Six police officers were hurt - one sustaining serious facial injuries - in trouble involving up to 100 people in the town at about 0100 GMT on Sunday.

Two police vehicles and a number of other vehicles were damaged. A 30-year-old man has been charged with assault and disorderly behaviour.

George Savage condemned those who took part in the trouble and said that the town "does not need it".

"I'm certainly very disappointed to note that this took place in Portadown," he said.

"It's certainly something that we don't need in Portadown and I would appeal to those people who were involved to stop it because nobody achieves anything out of incidents like that."

Bricks and bottles were thrown at police during the trouble.

At one stage, a group of men attacked a woman police officer and forced her to the ground before kicking and punching her.

The 30-year-old man is due to appear before Craigavon Magistrates Court next month.

Meanwhile, a 34-year-old man has been released on bail pending further police inquiries.

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