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Last Updated: Wednesday, 8 March 2006, 14:21 GMT
Red diesel is dumped into river
Red diesel is polluting the river in south Armagh
Red diesel is polluting the river in south Armagh
Hundreds of litres of red diesel have been dumped into a small river just outside Cullyhanna in south Armagh.

A clean-up operation has been going on since Tuesday night, but has been hampered by heavy rain.

It is believed the diesel was dumped from a lorry into a large puddle and then flowed into the river.

Jim Watts, from the Environment and Heritage Service, said they now had the oil contained inside a small area.

"It was contained last night by staff from this area from the Environment and Heritage Service," he said.

Mr Watts said heavy rain had caused the river to "back-up" at a culvert and the oil to start flowing upstream, but it had been stopped using booms.

"Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find a culprit who dumped the oil so unfortunately it (the cost) is going to come out of the public purse," he added.

The clean-up is continuing on Wednesday.

Anyone who has any information about the dumping of the diesel, or any other such incidents, is asked to contact the Water Pollution Hotline, on 0800 807060.

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