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Last Updated: Thursday, 13 April 2006, 12:24 GMT 13:24 UK
NI teacher training places cut
There will be 65 fewer teacher training places in the autumn
There will be 60 fewer places in Northern Ireland's teacher training colleges in September because of government cutbacks.

The Open University will have five fewer part-time places and there will be 10 fewer places for educational psychologists.

The Department of Education's decision is based on projected figures for the number of new teachers needed.

It comes in the wake of falling pupil numbers and teacher job losses.

BBC Northern Ireland education correspondent Maggie Taggart said colleges would have to reduce the number of students starting primary teacher training courses by 45 in September.

Another 10 places for educational psychologists will also go, because of a change in the way they are to be recruited.

Three years ago, Belfast colleges, Stranmillis and St Mary's, had 150 teacher training places each. By autumn, they will be allowed 115 places each.

The University of Ulster will also have to cut back and the Open University is reducing the number of teachers which it trains.


Principal of Stranmillis College Professor Richard McMinn said: "We are concerned about the disappointment this is going to cause for a number of very good candidates who clearly would have been keen to get a place in Stranmillis

"Clearly, there is nothing we can do about that. We have to stay within the Department of Education quota."

The Department of Education said the move was to avoid oversupply of teachers at a time of falling pupil numbers.

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