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Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 April 2006, 15:41 GMT 16:41 UK
NI pair at Queen's birthday meal
Peggy Bogue had lunch with the Queen
Peggy Bogue was born on the same day as the Queen
A Fermanagh woman who turns 80 on the same day as the Queen has attended a special birthday lunch at Buckingham Palace.

Peggy Bogue and 98 others, all born on 21 April 1926, dined with the Queen in the grand Palace Ballroom.

It was part of a series of events to mark the monarch's birthday on Friday.

The pensioners were selected for Wednesday's lunch by a ballot earlier this year. Peggy was accompanied by her daughter Maureen Kelly.

Speaking beforehand, she said she was really looking forward to the event.

"I'm wearing a suit, a skirt, top and blouse. It's a tomato shade," she said.

The pensioner said that in her younger days her passions had included dancing.

"I loved dancing and I still play bowls. I try (to play it well)."

Her daughter Maureen, who chose a burgundy and white linen suit, said her mother was "going very well" for her age, even to travel to London for the event.

The Queen with lunch guests
Peggy Bogue was among 99 people invited to lunch with the Queen

Asked what she was looking forward to, she said: "Just meeting the other people, seeing how they have been, and meeting herself, hopefully."

Guests for the lunch were chosen in January after applying through their local lords lieutenant throughout Britain.

They were each permitted to bring one person with them.

They dined around 20 tables inside the royal home, with some seated next to the Queen or Duke of Edinburgh.

Guests were also invited to a drink in the palace's Picture Gallery before lunch.

The Queen will spend her 80th birthday at Windsor Castle, where Prince Charles will host a family dinner.

Other events are planned including a service of thanksgiving at St George's Chapel, Windsor on 23 April, and a service at St Paul's Cathedral on 15 June.

The monarch will also host a birthday Garden Party at Buckingham Palace for children from all over the UK.

On 17 June, the Queen will mark her official birthday with the Trooping of the Colour.


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