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Last Updated: Friday, 10 February 2006, 18:57 GMT
Sex attack on man pulled into van
Detective Inspector Mark Dennison
Detective Inspector Mark Dennison said that it was a 'horrific crime'.
A man attacked in Ballymena on Thursday night was the victim of a serious sexual assault, police have said.

A van stopped beside the man near the rugby club on the Broughshane Road at about 2225 GMT and the victim was bundled inside.

He was held down by one man while a second assaulted him.

Police want to speak to anyone who saw a dirty white Transit-sized van with two men on board in the area between 2200 and 2300 GMT.

The van had a ladder on the roof rack and was at the scene for five to 10 minutes.

Detective Inspector Mark Dennison said that it was a "horrific crime".

"It is a sexual assault which the police are dealing with, with utmost importance and we are putting all our resources in Ballymena into trying to gain evidence and catch the assailants," he said.

Police have appealed for anyone with information to contact them on 0845 600 8000 or through the confidential Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.

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