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Last Updated: Wednesday, 6 July, 2005, 12:41 GMT 13:41 UK
Pollution alert over diesel dump
Colin River in west Belfast
The near-by Colin River has been stocked with fish
Work has been going on to try to avoid a major environmental disaster at a nature park.

Tons of illegal diesel were dumped into a pond near Colin Glen forest park in west Belfast.

Department of Environment experts and staff at the park worked to stop the pollution spreading into the main Colin River that runs nearby.

Environmentalists feared the river's stock of salmon and trout could have been destroyed.

The liquid is believed to have come from illegal fuel processing.

About 15,000 litres of the liquid was emptied from a road tanker at 0500 BST on Saturday morning.

It ran into a small pond where it was noticed by park staff.

Booms and absorbent material were put in place to soak up the oil, although there are reports that fuel is still leaking in from the road above the pond.

There were fears that all the fish in the Colin River could have been lost, had the river become contaminated.

BBC Northern Ireland environment correspondent Mike McKimm said that only for the fact that it had not been raining when the dumping occurred, the pollution could have been washed into the main river.

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16 Dec 03 |  Northern Ireland
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