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Mob Rule in Belfast
More from "the feud" today. This is just a quick note before bed about the scenes in east Belfast.
So the UVF "own" the estate now. The hoody clad teenagers and their local mafia heroes have done Ulster great service this day, mark my words. Legions of loyal (I'm not sure to what) Ulstermen lined the streets of a housing estate to ensure the nasty LVF terrorist drug-pushers, forced out in recent days, didn't come back, thus freeing up the estate for the much less nasty UVF terrorist drug-pushers.
Follow up:
The police could apparently do nothing because no complaints were made and no offence was detected. What a bitch. If I'd been standing there as a police officer I'd have been dying to get stuck into the scumbags.
The usual whataboutery abounds in the comments on this story on slugger. "Loyalists are such bastards, it's all their fault. Holy Cross, Harryville, Neil Lennon" and so on ad nauseum with the "Don't be daft, the IRA started it all, they're still recruiting, training, buying guns" etc kind of retort from the 'other side'. It's really turning into something of a yawnfest, through no fault of those running the site.