Category: PSNI
Slim Pickings for Real Continuity MOPE
This video was posted by fascist socialist republican serial-splitters eirigi under the title "RUC-PSNI Brutality".:crazy: To be fair to eirigi, they've a difficult job: it must be tough trying to act all oppressed when this qualifies as "brutality".… more »
Alliance Justice Minister? Are you mad?

Over the past few months it's become clear that the DUP won’t take Gerry Kelly and Sinn Fein won't take Jeffrey Donaldson as Justice Minister. This has led to the crazy notion that the Alliance should do it, and utterly predictably they seem amenable to… more »
Shock: Local Politicians "Tribal"
You'd scarcely credit it but Sinn Fein's Alex Maskey is fuming with Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde and is demanding an apology after the chief of police allegedly claimed the policing board had "gone a bit tribal".
Supposedly Orde accused the elected m… more »
PSNI Recruitment Discrimination - End In Sight
For some unionists, discrimination in 50:50 recruitment in the PSNI, whereby 50% of new recruits had to be "members of the Roman Catholic community", was perhaps the bitterest of bitter pills swallowed to garner nationalist support for policing here. The… more »
Patten to be rolled out across UK

The Patten Commission was not a pleasant experience for Unionists. The abandonment of the historic name and symbols of the RUC GC was needless, insensitive, and damaging to Unionist confidence in the political process of the time. While this was not th… more »
RIRA Aim For Army on NI Streets
The republican splinter-group the Real IRA has an objective to get soldiers re-deployed on the streets of Northern Ireland.
With more attacks on the RUC/PSNI we believe we can reach the stage where British soldiers are brought back onto the streets to… more »
More Police Officers Drink Driving
Over Christmas the PSNI caught 600 people drink-driving. 2 of those were off-duty PSNI officers.
Unlike Officer Geraldine Donnelly , who was caught before new policy came into effect, these 2 officers "if prosecuted", are likely to lose their jobs. I… more »
Who Will Police the Police-Police?
Slugger today highlighted a story from Friday when it was reported that a Resident Magistrate delivered a damning verdict on an investigation by the Police Ombudsman's office bringing into question the integrity of the body in charge of investigating com… more »
On The Need for Policing
Last night in the markets area in Belfast a group of "about 20" protestors (I presume that's including the kids) disrupted a DPP meeting in south Belfast designed to give people there a voice and a chance to raise issues with and ask qustions of the poli… more »
Soldiers Leaving Crossmaglen - Holding Heads High

It was funny to watch republicans reach near orgasm over the withdrawal of the army from Crossmaglen following a job well done. Yesterday the last soldiers left the village Possibly the most amusing thing was the placard carried by some of the terrorist… more »
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