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Top 10 OTT Politically Correct Terms
Yesterday saw the not-for-profit group the Global Language Monitor release a top 10 of the year's most politically correct words and phrases.
Here's the run down...
Follow up:
- Misguided Criminals - one of many terms used by the BBC in a frantic attempt to avoid describing the scum behind 7/7 as terrorists.
- Intrinsic Aptitude - a term coined to explain the underrepresentation of women in science/engineering jobs.
- Thought shower - because 'brainstorming' might offend people with brain disorders.
- la racaille - used by the French interior minister to describe the North African/Muslim rioters in Paris
- Out of the mainstream - used to describe the ideology of any political opponent
- Deferred Success because a teacher didn't want people to "fail" anymore
- womyn - because hairy butch feminists thought 'women' reminded them too much of 'men' *
- C.E. (Common Era) instead of Anno Domini (AD) for dates
- God Rest Ye Merry Persons and instead of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". They gave a special mention to the use of "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas" too, as well as the replacement of Christmas by "Wintervale" in some schools
- Mate - or rather the ban on security staff at the Australian Parliament using the term - (the MPs rebelled and said not being called "mate" was unpatriotic).
Last year, Los Angeles county supposedly rid all computer peripheral related mentions of "master/slave" - terms commonly used in describing the configuration of hard drives and CD-ROM drives. Also in last year's running were "waitron" (for waiter/waitress) and the redundant "non-same-sex marriage"
* Didn't the word woman come from Eve's bringing of woe to man via that forbidden fruit, or was that just our primary school teacher taking the piss?