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Is Ulster the Most Backward Place on Earth? (2)
Seems I'm not the only one to be depressed by the recent spoutings from the DUP's Lisburn crew. Things are pretty dire when the Corporate Services Committee of the local council demand that schools in the area teach Christianity creationism as a scientific theory (maybe this is what they were thinking of).
Even if the councils were responsible for education, surely it wouldn't be in the remit of some poxy committee whose primary job seems to be HR for the council. Don't you idiots get it? This sort of crap is why our local councils can't be trusted to take anything to do with education! Thankfully the local headmasters have politely told the council committee to blow it out their ass.
Of course this sort of nonsense is nothing new. Those readers who remember it may think back to some previous issues that got the local bible-bashers riled up. From Harry Potter being a dangerous cult to Line Dancing with its "sexual gestures and touching" being "an incitement to lust." (Guess who!)
Meanwhile the minister with responsibility for culture believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old. God only knows what information's going to end up being displayed at the Giant's Causeway's visitor centre (if we ever get one).
Frankly I'd normally let them live in blissful ignorance but these nutters are running the country. I have to wonder if this is our collective punishment for all the years of bigotry and sectarian hatred; God must be in quare vengeful form!