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Sean Kelly Freed From Maghaberry
I just heard the headline on the UTV evening news but apparently he hasn't actually been acquitted of becoming re-involved in terrorism. According to the BBC Sean Kelly has been given "temporary release pending an application to the Sentence Review Commission" - effectively it seems he's out on bail.
The BBC's security editor Brian Rowan and the UTV report seem to believe the move is likely be a precusor to an IRA statement on its future tomorrow.
Update The NIO have confirmed that they are indeed that spineless and that Kelly was released as a pre-statement sop to the IRA
Meanwhile, Unionist politicians are said to be looking into whether or not it is legal for Sean Kelly to be released before his case is heard. It seems they think Secretary of State Peter Hain has overstepped his authority by making this latest sop to republicans.
If any of this is true, is it any wonder London is coming under attack? British government ministers in Northern Ireland letting themeselves be blackmailed by Irish terrorists sends a clear message to any other terrorists about the sort of response they'll get to their heinous attacks on the United Kingdom.
Follow up:
If there's anything positive in this, I suppose it might give us a day or two free of Sinn Fein's mope-ing, until they find something else to bitch about (the soap in their hotel rooms being Orange perhaps?). On the other hand they'll probably spend the intermittent time gloating like this is some sort of victory (Martin McGuinness has already been on the news giving a press conference).
The bottom line is that Sean Kelly's imprisonment was nothing to complain about (are you listening Divis?); it was part of the rules of the release scheme. Sinn Fein/the IRA seemed happy enough with the rules when they were getting all their terrorist activists out of gaol free. Yet when the rules are followed and someone suspected of being involved in terrorism is put back in prison, they want him freed regardless of whether the allegations are true. The provisional movement are completely devoid of morals.
Despite what Sinn Fein would have you believe, due process is being followed. Kelly's case will be heard before the Sentence Review Commission, as agreed in the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, which Sinn Fein still say they support.
One thing I may end up agreeing with them on though. If he isn't found guilty of the charges and returned to gaol, I'll be wanting to know why he was re-arrested in the first place.