« EU Mythbuster: No. 2 - Northern Irish Journalism | Sick bastard » |
Hard bastards
On the same day I noted a sickening and grotesque incident involving an attack on a female prison warder, Slugger points to a report on the riots in Portadown last night which followed the day of rioting in Dublin.
As if hearing of a female warder having urine and excrement dumped on her wasn't sickening enough, the Press Association reports that a "group of men" kicked and punched a female police officer in Portadown as they dragged her to the ground. She was one of 6 officers injured in a night of rioting in the town which saw bottles and bricks thrown at police.
Follow up:
What the hell is wrong with people that an assault on innocent police officers going about their jobs is somehow seen as "a bit of craic" for people with nothing better to do of a Saturday. I suppose at least somebody's been charged, but that will likely be of limited comfort to the injured officers.
I have to ask - what sort of "man" joins up with 5 other "men" in punching and kicking a woman as she lies on the ground? I think I'm going to vomit...