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Xbox 360s going for $1
It's that time again - time to support Everything Ulster by helping Beano get a new toy as Everything Ulster goes into shameless sales mode.
If I told you you could get an Xbox 360 for $1 you'd say I was mad. Then again, back when I talked about a free iPod, people thought it'd never work. Yet in December I received just that!

My free iPod held up in front of my monitor displaying the EU home page.
Since I wouldn't believe me either, if I wasn't me, I've provided pictures here. Some of you may recognise David Healy's goal against England being played on my beautiful new video iPod, others may recognise said iPod resting on my spide spotting t-shirt.
Now the same company behind free iPods are running a similar deal with Premium Xbox 360s. Sign up, complete an offer, refer some friends and voila!
The Offers
You can choose from long time favourite 1 month free trial of DVD rentals from Screen Select* (which I used to gain my free iPod) or a new addition - a 1 day trial subscription to "freebidding" - a rather shit website that links to other online auction sites - mostly US ones - including government/police seized property auctions. Not a lot of fun, but simple! Sign up, pay $1. Look at the site for 5 minutes and if you don't like it email their payment company Paycom.net (or phone Paycom's US number: (888) 968-5834 which I did) and cancel your subscription. Warning: do this in the first couple of hours so you don't forget. If you go over your day's trial you get billed for your first month's access at $39.95.
I really recommend this FreeBidder offer because you get your credit right away instead of waiting for 2 weeks wondering if it's "worked" or not.
I'd be skeptical myself had it not been for the fact I'd already received my free iPod. I won't say that freepay or 'Gratis Internet' (the company behind it) are the most pleasant company to deal with. They're polite and all, they just don't make things easy (took me a while to get a tracking number for the parcel, and then to find out who their courier was - it was ParcelForce). They obviously do things on the cheap - but for $1 it wouldn't seem right to complain too much.
By the way, I'm still seething that the video iPods (generally, not just the free ones) don't include a mains charger and instead have to be charged through your PC, but that rip-off's another story. Oh and I'd rather have a PS3 or Nintendo Revolution (they'll maybe do those too when they're released) than the Micro$oft Xbox, but there's always eBay!
It's THAT easy - sign up now!
Cancelling Your Trials
If you go for the Screen Select offer, make sure and cancel at least a full working week in advance of the end of your trial if you don't want to go onto their monthly subscription. If you take the free bidding offer, I advise you to cancel it straight away if you don't like it - it'd be an expensive thing to forget.
I think it's worth it though, given that with a little care you can get yourself a £250 Xbox 360 Premium Pack for $1!