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Police Warning on Loyalist Criminality
Sinn Fein/IRA/Republican criminality has been under the spotlight for some time now with the leadership of the DUP blaming such activity, along with the lack of support for policing, for the lack faith they have in the prospect of sharing power with Sinn Fein, however the police seem to be more worried about loyalist crime.
While Sinn Fein are showing signs of slow, reluctant acceptance of the rule of law, loyalists still seem to be having trouble with the same proposition. Figures released recently show that loyalists have been responsible for 90% of 'security-related shootings' in the last year.
152 people have suffered punishment attacks in the last year, split equally between beatings and shootings. Of these, loyalists have been responsible for 92% of the shootings and 75% of the beatings, while such attacks in republican areas are "almost zero".
Follow up:
Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde said that these figures indicate where loyalist paramilitaries are in terms of the peace process. It's not entirely negative though; Orde went on to say that there were "some in the organisation" seeking to end the legacy of the troubles, but were meeting opposition, mainly from the north Belfast unit, whose leaders the Shoukri brothers, are rumoured to be on the verge of being ousted.
Claiming that many senior members were now in prison, Orde said "The notion that we are doing nothing is just false. If they are going to commit crime we are going to come after them." The PSNI have seized 365 guns and 112,748 rounds of ammunition in the last year.
I can only echo what the Cheif Constable has said - It's obvious that some within paramilitary circles want to hang on to the power they've gained through their position, and will continue to stir up fear and hatred in an attempt to hang on to it. "Clearly they still think its okay to take the law into their own hands to control some of their communities through fear." It's time to "get responsible" and if you're not going to work for the community, then stand aside and stop holding it back in the dark ages.